Writing is hard. Even with an idea on paper
The most impressive thing in the world is when somebody uses words.

Maybe it is just one of those days. Everything will be alright… Right?
Staring at a screen for hours on end, with no real progress to speak off. The problem is, the idea was already there. The headline created, and every single point documented. Now just for the body of what I need to get across.
It happens, yes to all of us. And there has been a thousand articles and video’s published about this specific topic.
The thing is, that for some of us. Writing, speaking or being creative comes very naturally. To others, well it does not. It is probably one of the hardest things to do and get right. But it is a skill that is vital for the future. When “machines” or AI take over, I do believe that no matter what industry you are in. It will be those with the ability to take the information or the data, and tell a story…
They will be the ones who will succeed.